Last Friday, October 23, 2008 as I was leaving the Daily Planet (the newspaper where I work), my publisher, Mary asked if I'd heard about some killings at Jennifer Hudson's mama's house that afternoon. Since it was only 4pm and the bodies weren't discovered until 3 pm or so, I hadn't been aware of
this news account and hadn't rec'd a police alert from the Chicago Police Department media dept.
In the 20 minutes or so that it took for me to walk home, the tv news accounts reported that Jennifer's mama and brother had been murdered in their home. To add insult to injury her nephew was missing. My heart immediately sank down as I reflected on several things: The fact that I am a native of the Englewood community as is Jennifer and family; and that Jennifer had just been home on the previous Saturday to accept an award from the Chicago Film Festival on program with Sidney Poitier; and that she is starring in a film that is currently running in theatres all over the country. Until Friday, Jennifer was on top of the world. Never happier, and involved in a new love affair and a life that is an 'urban fairytale'. In fact, she even has a CD project thats sweeping the charts.
This morning as I was posting this blog, the Chicago police found a white SUV with the body of a little boy inside. This is awful! Jennifer, I'm so sorry.
I have just one question for the highest authority that I know: "Okay God, where are you in this mess?" This is a very real question and I ask in all my humaness. Cuz I can't make heads or tails out of how or why this occurred. I'm simply wondern...
Did God close one of His eyes and while he had His head turned this crazy thing happened?
Are YOU in any of the details of this? Are you there with Jennifer and her family? Will she need to love and forgive whoever did these things?
Why did YOU allow this, God? Whose fault is this? Is there someone else to blame for this?
Since YOU are all-wise and all-knowing, should this be considered a blessing, too?
I'm crying out hurt and confused for my sister and her family. Can you explain in terms that my heart and mind can grasp?
Your daughter,
Vanessa (the brown skinned fluffy one--with the big eyes).