Chicago and Illinois politics are like none other I have ever known or even read about. But for those of us who affectionately call Chicago home, this kind of shenanigans is business as usual. For people of Illinois to express shock at the latest revelation--our Governor allegedly trying to auction off the U.S. Senate seat to the highest bidder, they are being very hypocritical or at best--very unrealistic.
This is politics--'gangster style', folks. Don't blame the player--blame the game. Winner takes all and WIIFM (Whats in it for me?) is the order of the day in the Chi-town and the Land of Lincoln. Sadly, I am dismayed that Gov. Blagojevich was not given the dignity of going to jail after the fact like so many governors before him. U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald said that Illinois just might be the most corrupt state in the United States. You think?
Why are we breaking a tried and true tradition and now deciding to do things right? Aren't we taking Barack's "change" theme a little too seriously? Surely we cannot believe that this governor is the inventor of "pay to play" politics. And although he's never professed to be the brightest bulb in the Christmas decorations--at least he wasn't stupid enough to consider giving up the seat vacated by President-elect Obama to the most qualified representative in Illinois for a mere 'Coke and a smile'. Especially when he could use it for financial or political leverage for himself. What did they take him for--foolish? Happy Birthday, Governor! I'm glad to see your mama didn't raise no fool. And you can count on me to put a few dollars on your commissary books in the future.