This is the lobby of
Trump International Hotel and Tower, the tallest condominium and hotel building in Chicago, Illinois. It is owned by real-estate mogul Donald Trump. It is on prime Chicago real estate and has some of the the most breathtaking views of the city. It is a long way from Chicago's Englewood community.

Only the most exclusive clientele can afford to stay here or to purchase a condo here.
It has been reported by People Magazine that actress
Jennifer Hudson and some of her relatives have been staying here free of charge since her mother, brother and nephew were slain. She is mourning the loss of her loved ones in a very exclusive manner. She is reported to be protected and very safe in these accommodations according to Donald Trump.

There is great irony in all of this tragedy, and God will naturally get the Glory--however, isn't it amazing how rich people can be accommodated for free in luxury situations that they can surely afford to pay for--but in many instances a person without money and in dire need under the same circumstances would not have this privilege? It is great to find favor with the rich & famous. Even mourning can be done in elegant style.