Is it me or is Rod Blagojevich exhibiting signs of sociopathic or simply pathetic public behavior? When I heard that Illinois' former governor was to appear on the David Letterman Show last night I tuned in out of curiosity. The first red flag was when Letterman stated he had absolutely no idea why he was on the show--i knew there would be embarassment to follow...
When Rod Blagojevich sat in the chair and declared that he had always wanted to be on the show in "the worst way," Letterman responded in kind by stating that he was on indeed in the "worst way." He told Letterman that he keeps thinking he'll wake up and people will realize "this is just one big misunderstanding."
During the interviewLetterman began to read off names of other former Illinois governors who served time in prison including Gov. George Ryan who is currently incarcerated because of past political office abuse. He then joked to Blagojevich by asking whether jail time was some part of the oath of office that Illinois governors take. Blagojevich replied, "Unlike those, I'll be vindicated. I did nothing wrong," he said. "
Letterman then asked Blagojevich what he planned to do with his time leading up to the trial.
"Well, I'm looking for work," Blagojevich replied. "Are you hiring?"
Last week, the Illinois Senate convicted Blagojevich of abuse of power. He was removed from office and replaced by Pat Quinn. Blagojevich also faces federal charges that he tried to profit from selling President Barack Obama's vacant U.S. Senate seat.
My question is, "what was he thinking?" Why was he on the David Letterman show?
A bigger question is, "What was I thinking to vote for him not once--but twice?