Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thats what friends are for...

"Friends--How many of us have them? Let's be friends." lyrics from some rap song whose artist and title escapes me (I'm having a senior moment no doubt).
The one thing that I find that is for certain is that I am very complex. I don't mean to be, I'm just deep, I guess. Not compared to anybody else--just by my own standards of what deep is. I'm very moody and spend a lot of time inside myself thinking my deep thoughts. I love too hard and have a tendency to have separation anxiety.That's why to be my friend is to endure my crazyness (undiagnosed mental illness, of course...).

I want to give a shout out to a few ladies and gentlemen who have endured the test of time and emerged unscathed by attempting to be friends with me. There is a common thread between this group and that is that they all love people and value friendships. Each has taught me so much about unconditional love and staying intouch regardless of my circumstances. I have a tendency to pull away and not talk to anybody, answer my phone calls, emails or voicemails when I am "outta pocket." Somehow each of them feels my pain and continues to seek me until they find me and force me to allow them to share my pain.

This list is not in the order of importance or closeness--just as each name popped into my mind I typed it in. This is also my way of saying "Thank you, for caring about me." Just in case I am ever incapacitated and unable to convey my thoughts of how much you mean to me and just how grateful I am to have you in my life--I have written it down today.
CurtissSr, Lavisha, Patti, AudreyJ, PrincessKZ, DeeDee, Jeanynne, SharonK, Karen WMcC, MichelleMcK-H, TheresaW, GeorgeAW, GeorgeEW, IvanG, KimalaLF, CarmenW, SylvesterWSr.,YvonneC., DorothyL, MaryD, AllisonP, LeslieC,GregoryS. ReneeG, FrancesP, EduardoSSr., HoraceS., SusanS, LeslieG, YolandaH, Draghost, PreachaJI, DorisYW, HenryMWSr., IraJA, MarshallH, CyF, BeverlyA, BettyeBC, BettyP, EmmaM, AnnieD, RandiG, RussellG, RobertH, MarthaB, CreolaH, AlK, YvetteL, CraigO, NoahN, MarkT, ElnoraH, DariusB, PatrickKB, WilliamLDJr, and ChristineB.

In Loving Memory: RobinTV, MaxineW, and BernieM.
You are all very special to me. May you receive God's unmerited favor in all you do!

1 comment:

  1. You are a tremendous person. How come I'm not in yo top 5?
