Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy Birthday, Naimah!

I wish we could do what they do in Katroo.
They sure know how to say
Happy Birthday to You!
In Katroo every year,
on the day you were born,
They start the day right in the
bright early morn.
When the birthday Honk Honker
honks high up Mt. Zion,
And lets loose a big blast on the Big Birthday Horn.
And the voice of the horn calls out loud and it plays,
Wake Up! for today is YOUR day of all days!
Happy Birthday Na'Imah
Dr. Suess--your friend to the end!

Happy Birthday: Roland Martin, Dr. Condoleeza Rice, and Prince Charles

An outstanding Secretary of State, British Royalty and a prolific U.S. journalist. What do they have in common--all Scorpios. Tell me you guys, Is it true what they say about y'all?

Happy Birthday to each of you.

Happy Birthday Rev. Run!

Run DMC was one of my favorite rap groups of all times. I saw them live twice. Today, Joseph Simmons is 44 years old. He is accomplished, kind and God-fearing. His family calls him, "blessed." Isn't that all that matters--at the end of the day?
"May your spirit keep the freedom of a butterfly in spring,

and may your heart be filled alwayswith the joys of simple things.

May your essence claim the freshnessof the new laid morning dew. All of this... and my Birthday wish for you.